There is more to choosing the right gear than simply selecting the cutest, cheapest stuff that pops up after a search and hoping for the best. In this case, we are going to provide you a look at some of the better casual motorcycle gear that we know works well for women riders. This overview with a look at four different jackets and three types of pants and another trio of boots that look good while protecting your valuable assets.
As with any list of recommended riding gear there are going to be a few that are simply not in a person’s price range, and that’s okay. Use these suggestions as a guide to help you understand what is out there so you can set a budget, make a plan, and get geared up.
Or you can simply trust our word as gospel, click buy now on all this stuff, and be guaranteed to be the envy of all the ladies at the local hangout. Either way is fine with us, just make sure to ride safe and always remember that riding is supposed to be fun. So enjoy the ride.