More than a handful of us have been there: You’ve parked your motorcycle after a ride, fully expecting to hit the road again a few days or weeks later. Now it’s been two years and you are ready to ride again, problem is, your bike isn’t. There are a multitude of issues, one of them could be plugged or fouled fuel injectors from old, gunky gas being pushed through the fuel injection system after you replaced the battery. Today on MC Garage we are going to show you how to clean your fuel injectors.
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In our last MC Garage we covered step 1 on getting your bike back in the road—a new battery. You can see that episode here. Now that the bike turns over, you’ve got a FI code blinking on your dash. It all was good before the bike was parked, so you can safely surmise your issues come from bad fuel.
Fuel can go bad quickly, even in a matter of weeks. But in our case, two years has not been kind to the small amount of fuel in our tank. Volatile compounds evaporate and the gasoline then contains a gummy residue of the stuff that remains. Even worse, if your gas contained ethanol, it could attract moisture which can lead to corrosion in steel tanks and metal parts in the fuel pump and injectors.
But how do you get those injectors clean? Dump a bunch of fuel injector cleaner in the tank with fresh fuel and hope for the best? We are way past that, my friends. Maybe, and I stress maybe, if you are a month or two into sitting, this might work. But there is too much crud and gunk in the tank and lines to hope for the best now. It’s time to assume the worst.
It’s time to clean your injectors. And as daunting as that sounds, it’s actually pretty easy. Motion Pro makes a very nice tool that allows you to clean your injectors. First things first, you gotta get to your injectors. Disconnect the battery before removing everything you need to in order to access the injectors. For this GSX-R we need to remove the tank and airbox. Then we have to pull the bank of throttle bodies to get to both rails of injectors. Disconnect the injector connections, remove the hardware holding the injectors in the bodies, and then gently pull them out. Don’t torque on them too much or you might damage them. Then your snazzy Motion Pro Fuel Injector Cleaner will be useless.
First install the engine side of the injector into one of the two ports of the tool. Clamp down the injector with the connector facing the outside of the tool. Don’t overtighten the clamp, or you can damage the injector. You just want the O-ring to seal fully. Then install the connector for your model of bike to the tool and injector. When you press the red button, the tool’s internal 9-volt battery opens the injector solenoid to allow you to pass cleaner though the injector.
Loosen the red knob and insert the tube from an aerosol can of injector or carb cleaner. Tighten the knob back down lightly to seal the tube to the tool. Press the red button and then spray the cleaner through the injector to back-flush the unit. This will push out any debris that has accumulated in the injector. You won’t see a spray pattern here, just the fluid bubbling out.
Now it’s time to turn the injector around to clean the nozzle from the other direction. Remove the first O-ring and place the injector into the tool fuel supply side first. Once again use the clamp to seal the injector to the tool. Don’t overtighten the clamp and make sure the connector is facing toward the outside of the tool. Again, seal the tube with the red knob, press the red button, and dispense the cleaner. This time you should see an even spray pattern. If not, give it a minute to soak and try again. If you still have an issue, repeat the back-flush again.
Repeat the process for each injector (eight in total for this GSX-R1000), and then reinstall the injectors. Don’t forget the O-ring you removed. Before you do install the injectors, look over the O-rings for issues, and flush the fuel rails as well.
We’ve found a few more issues with this Gixxer so we will address those in the next couple of videos. When we removed the throttle bodies, the left side on the manifold was loose, which could cause some issues with dirt ingestion if the filter was clogged or during hard acceleration. This filter was clean, but just to be safe we want to do a quick compression check. And then we need to clean the fuel pump and tank. But for now that’s it for cleaning the injectors, it takes some time but this Motion Pro Injector Cleaner makes it easy.