Last summer, while promoting his movie, The Lone Ranger, actor Armie Hammer appeared on the Jimmy Kimmel show and talked about putting his mighty steed Silver out to pasture and riding his Vespa LX 150 from Los Angeles, California to Key West, Florida. As it turns out, the Masked Man wasn't kidding. Not only has Hammer set aside three weeks out of his schedule to embark on this trip of a lifetime, but he managed to convince seven of his friends to accompany him, all on Vespas! Vespa USA reports that Hammer's trip has recently launched from a Sherman Oaks, California dealership, and you can follow the progress of the entourage on their Facebook page as they scoot across the country. And if you missed the Kimmel-Hammer banter about the trip including Hammer's self-imposed rules of the road (you can only take what you can carry, and you must sleep outside unless invited into a home), skip to 1:25 in this You Tube video.
The Lone Ranger Rides Again!
Actor Armie Hammer Does 4K the Hard Way As He Sets Out On a Cross-Country Vespa-venture, sans Tonto!