Convenient, on-and-off-the-bike bag that's perfect for a commute to work. Harley-Davidson gives you the whole package with the new Messenger Bag that can help you tote your laptop to and from work.
Designed to be a practical commuter and day bag, this sling bag features a padded shoulder strap with a cross-chest stabilizer strap that securely holds the bag steady on a rider’s back while on the road. The bag may also be secured to a sissy bar with a wide, adjustable hook-and-loop flap and quick release tabs.
The genuine canvas shell is trimmed with contrasting web straps, distressed metal buckles, bold stenciled HDMC graphics and a comfortable carrying handle. Ready to carry anything to office or class, the bag features an exterior newspaper pocket and a side pocket. The water-resistant inner cavity features a padded laptop compartment that fits most 17-inch screens plus a padded tablet pocket, separate pockets to store cell phones, pens, glasses other small items, and a rubberized port for easy headphone connection. The bag dimensions are 19.0 inches wide x 3.5 inches deep x 13.5 inches tall.
Also available in brown/tan (P/N 93300100) and Army Green (P/N 93300101). Price: $169.95