Many American riders will remember seeing Zoltan Sulkowsky and Gyula Bartha, two Hungarians who left Budapest, Hungary, in 1928 and who since have covered 90,000 miles visiting every country in the world. Here they are seen before the Bristol suspension bridge in England, on their way back home. -Fox Photo. Mr. Robert Lynburne, a motorcyclist of Trail, B.C., holder of the world official ski jump record (296 feet) for three years and who on Feb. 11, 1935 made an unofficial jump of 304 feet-speed estimated at 110 to 115 m.p.h. Speed is no novelty to him. Sir Malcolm and his Bluebird, as snapped by Art Elting who crashed the police lines. This shows the vast expanse of crystal-like salt up which Sir Malcolm made his record and upon which, immediately thereafter, Fred Luther turned an unofficial 145 m.p.h. in tests prior to a trial with his Plymouth motored job. Piston trouble forced Luther to return home without having run in no higher than second gear. A row of champions, past and present, at Syracuse. Left to
Back from a day’s hunting on a triumph in South Australia with rabbits and a kangaroo. If you start speeding in Alexandria, Egypt, you will tangle with the energetic motorcycle officer pictured here who shows something new in police hats. London has a speedway racing school at High Beach, Essex. It is run by London Speedways, Ltd., with Roger Frogley as chief instructor. Frogley is showing demonstrating “ broadsiding” to his pupils and they seem a bit surprised when they view the art close-up. Fox Photo.